Property:Modification date

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Modification date is a predefined property (also known as special property). It is a built-in property that comes with additional administrative privileges but can be used just like any other user-defined property.

Pages using the property "Modification date"

This property is a special property in this wiki. Showing 25 pages using this property.

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1 Samples are delivered to repository +10 December 2014 18:48:48  +


2 If samples have not been split shipboard it is done on site +10 December 2014 18:49:57  +
2 Samples are +10 December 2014 18:48:59  +
2 Samples are described weighed measured for susceptibility and photographed +19 May 2015 13:44:57  +


3 Samples are stored in climate controlled conditions +19 May 2015 13:44:08  +
3 Samples are then described and photographed +10 December 2014 18:50:21  +


4 Samples are made available online for research museum and educational use +19 May 2015 13:43:41  +
4 Samples are stored in refrigerated space +10 December 2014 18:50:37  +


5 Metadata are submitted to SESAR IGSNs are obtained Sample metadata profiles in SESAR are kept private for 2 years +10 December 2014 18:51:26  +


6 Samples remain available to PI and colleagues for 2 years They must fill out sampling forms for both destructive and non-destructive sampling +10 December 2014 18:52:35  +


7 After 2 years data derived from samples are uploaded to IMLGS and other researchers are then allowed to request samples +10 December 2014 18:54:08  +


Academic repository +9 December 2014 02:10:44  +
Any access restrictions to samples ? +9 December 2014 02:05:51  +


Biological Specimens (fossil and living) +9 December 2014 02:14:59  +


Chips +7 August 2016 08:36:55  +
Collection contact +9 December 2014 01:52:17  +
Collection name +9 December 2014 01:49:00  +
Collection type +9 December 2014 22:16:31  +
Commercial repository +9 December 2014 02:11:02  +
Core samples are stored in cold rooms while dredge and rock samples are stored in bags or boxes not in cold rooms +25 June 2015 19:34:48  +
Curation Procedure +2 December 2014 02:53:23  +
Curation style +2 December 2014 09:19:07  +
Cuttings +7 August 2016 08:36:52  +


Dredges +7 August 2016 10:07:57  +


ESIP +2 December 2014 03:11:04  +
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