Unused properties
This page lists unused properties that are declared although no other page makes use of them. For a differentiated view, see the entire or wanted properties special pages.
List of properties
- RUN ID of type Page
- Race ethnicity (E) of type Text
- Region (E) of type Text
- RequiresDataType (E) of type Page
- SNP (E) of type Text
- SOFAS Total (E) of type Boolean
- Schema:ContentUrl (E) of type URL
- Schema:Description (E) of type Text
- Schema:Distribution (E) of type Page
- Schema:EncodingFormat (E) of type Text
- Schema:Name (E) of type Text
- Sex (E) of type Text
- ShortName (E) of type Text
- SmokingStatus Current (E) of type Boolean
- SmokingStatus Lifetime (E) of type Boolean
- SocialAnxietyDisorder AgeofOnset (E) of type Boolean
- SocialAnxietyDisorder Current (E) of type Boolean
- SocialAnxietyDisorder Lifetime (E) of type Boolean
- SomaticIllnessCurrent (E) of type Boolean
- SomaticIllnessType (E) of type Text
- Street-address (E) of type Text
- SubjID (E) of type Text
- Subject SocioeconomicStatus (E) of type Text
- Subject SocioeconomicStatusScale (E) of type Text
- Trait (E) of type Text
- TypicalAntipsychoticUseCurrent (E) of type Boolean
- TypicalAntipsychoticUseLifetime (E) of type Boolean
- UsesDiagnosisInstrument (E) of type Page
- UsesEncodingFormat (E) of type Text
- UsesGenotypePlatform (E) of type Page
- UsesProtocol (E) of type Page
- UsesTreatment (E) of type Page
- WithDisorderSeverity (E) of type Text
- WithMaxAgeOfOnsetOfDisorder (E) of type Text
- WithMaxDurationOfDisorder (E) of type Text
- WithMaxNumber (E) of type Text
- WithMinDurationOfDisorder (E) of type Text
- WithMinNumber (E) of type Text